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Not too late to give your lawn a boost before cooler temps sets in

As we inch closer to fall and winter and the days grow shorter, landscaping might be the last thing on your mind. However, don’t dismiss the idea of late fall lawn fertilization just yet; it can make a significant difference come springtime!

Late fall fertilization can play a vital role in ensuring a healthy lawn next year. Even when your lawn appears dormant, it still benefits from care. Fertilizing now provides essential nutrients that will activate in the spring, giving your lawn a head start out of dormancy.

Moreover, the winter months can bring lawn diseases like snow mold, fairy ring, and necrotic ring spot. Fall fertilization is an effective preventive measure against these invaders.

To promote a robust landscape through the winter, consider these fall fertilization tips:

Don’t let the approaching winter deter you; fortify your lawn for a vibrant spring with a late fall fertilization strategy. Questions? Please feel free to contact Rick at Calgary Landscape Supplies at 403-818-5857.

Fertilization tips courtesy of Stuart Franklin for Lawn Care Simplified