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Tree Trench Commercial Project

Trees enhance the beauty, health and well-being of our properties and communities. The City of Airdrie takes advantage of these benefits and invests in tree and shrub planting efforts throughout the city on an annual basis. Calgary Landscape Supplies was recently contracted to do a commercial tree trench job in Airdrie.

Tree trenches are linear tree planting structures often located behind the curb that contain the trees and structural soils. They promote healthy tree growth as underground there is a system to manage incoming runoff. Digging tree trenches entails having a good plan, the right equipment, and an experienced contractor to produce the best results.

We have years of experience and can assist you with your unique project ideas. Have questions? Need advice? Give us a shout at 403-818-5857.

Check out a few images from our Airdrie project in-the-works in the gallery below.